Child Abuse… There is a way forward!

by Geraldine Zadkiel

CHILD ABUSE IS A TOPIC MANY CHOOSE TO IGNORE and because of this you are left holding this secret and dealing with the emotional pain that you suffer each day without the support you need or the tools to heal from the past. You can live your life free from the negative emotional patterns that were created.

There is a way forward…..

In Australia each year approx 54,500 children experience substantiated abuse in some way, this does not include the abuse that is unreported.

The energetic effects of child abuse are long term, as a child is growing they are continually creating neural pathways that determine how they see the world. When you become an adult these pathways affect how you feel about yourself, how you feel about others and if you feel safe. When these neural pathways are developed in an abusive environment they create hardwired belief systems that are relevant at the time however as an adult they can become limiting and destructive often leading to:

  • PTSD
  • continuous negative thoughts towards yourself
  • inability to trust others
  • self destructive behaviours
  • difficulty establishing healthy relationships and creating and maintaining boundaries
  • feelings of shame, alienation and loneliness …….. and so much more

As a Kinesiology practitioner I would like to work with you to clear the energetic affects of child abuse, your emotional triggers that create disharmony within and without, to work together to create a healthy relationship with yourself and others free from the past emotional pain. I offer a safe and nurturing environment for healing.

(Note : Kinesiology is safe for children, so if your child has suffered child abuse we can work together to clear the emotional patterns before they reach adulthood)

To learn more or discuss how Kinesiology can benefit you please contact Geraldine Zadkiel on 0418 336 482 or book using the button below.